OHECA’s Purpose
The Orange Hunt Estates Civic Association (OHECA) exists to preserve the quality of life in Orange Hunt Estates, and to preserve the property values in our community, by implementing programs to maintain the safety and preserve the aesthetic beauty of our neighborhoods, as well as interacting with local and state agencies on issues that affect the Orange Hunt Estates community.

OHECA Activities
Grounds: OHECA achieves these goals through membership dues, which pay for professional services, and by the time and materials donated by volunteers. The largest expense in each years budget is the maintenance of the common areas (i.e., the median strips and other non-residential land). A professional lawn service mows, trims, and fertilizes these areas, mulches the flower beds at the Huntsman Boulevard and Reservation Drive entrances, and removes fallen leaves in late autumn. Inflation has significantly increased this expense.
Membership Communication: Membership Communication works in conjunction with Membership Records to distribute the newsletters, directory, and other items of interest to the general community.
Newsletter and Directory: OHECA also publishes a newsletter four (4) times each year, as well as the annual resident telephone directory. The newsletter is published free of charge in exchange for advertising revenue. This has also been the usual practice for publishing the directory. However, this year OHECA board members themselves have solicited advertisers for the directory, and OHECA expects to more than cover the costs of publication.
OHECA Web Site: The OHECA web site is an excellent source of information about Orange Hunt Estates, the Civic Association, and the surrounding community. If you have any questions about who’s on the OHECA Board, the Covenants and ByLaws, our programs such as Neighborhood watch, etc., the web site may answer your question. If you have content for the website, or subjects of interest or concern that should be added to the website, contact our WEBMASTER HERE.
Architecture: The Architectural Committee evaluates construction plans for all residences, particularly regarding the appearance of the construction and the impact on the neighborhood. OHECA volunteers also coordinate the annual garage sale and large trash pickup.
Transportation: The Transportation Chairperson, addresses issues of traffic safety, traffic volume, and Fairfax County’s plans for changing the road system in and adjacent to Orange Hunt Estates. Specific traffic issues include cut-through traffic, the planned widening of Sydenstricker Road, and the planned traffic circle at the intersection of Field Master Drive and Sydenstricker Road. Fairfax County and VDOT had verbally agreed not to build this traffic circle. When OHECA tried to obtain written confirmation of this agreement, we were told that VDOT will not remove plans for the traffic circle unless a traffic study shows that the traffic circle is not needed. OHECA is endeavoring to obtain the results of this traffic study, which should be released in June-July, 2001.
Schools Liaison: The Schools Liaison deals with matters relating to the two schools in the Orange Hunt Estates community: Orange Hunt Elementary School (OHES) and Sangster Elementary School.

Welcoming Committee:The purpose of the Welcome Committee is to greet all new homeowners and renters and to make them aware of the benefits of belonging to OHECA. We need the help of all OHECA members. Please contact us if you know of new families in the neighborhood. We would really appreciate your help.