Curb Address Painting Update!

Does your curb address need a new paint job? Have it done early this summer as a free OHECA membership benefit. Follow the directions below.

Any resident who has not paid their 2023 OHECA dues will be able to take advantage of this offer provided they join OHECA. To join go to and follow the prompts.

This offer closes on May 31.

Instructions for Members Who Joined Digitally

1. Go to

2. Scroll down to “New Forms” and select “2023 Curb Numbering.”

3. Select your option for curb painting. Your selection will be linked to your membership toolkit account and our database manager will retrieve your responses (as well as address and contact information) from there. Below is a breakdown of the options:

a. Yes — I want my street address painted on my curb, near my driveway, at no cost to me.

b. No — I am not interested in this program.

c. Unsure — I have some questions/concerns about this offer. Can someone from the board contact me about this opportunity?

Instructions for Members Who Joined Using Paper Forms

1. Go to This link will take you directly to the Curb Painting Form.

2. Select your option for curb address painting. Below is a breakdown of the options:

a. Yes — I want my street address painted on my curb, near my driveway, at no cost to me.

b. No — I am not interested in this program.

c. Unsure — I have some questions/concerns about this offer. Can someone from the board contact me about this opportunity?

3. Once you make your selection, select continue.

4. Complete the information in the form (including at least one phone number), so we know where you live as well as how to get ahold of you if we have any questions or concerns. Information entered into this form is securely stored in the Membership Toolkit database.

Beautiful Front Yard Contest; June 2nd:

Spring showers bring flowers and also the annual OHECA beautiful yard contest!  That’s right, it’s time to kick off another friendly competition and show off all of that hard work you’ve been putting into your gardens.  We’ve eliminated the monetary awards and made all residents of Orange Hunt Estates eligible for nomination regardless of whether or not they are dues paying OHECA members.  Now that everyone is eligible, we hope to have a whole new crop of homes in contention for that prized yard sign and a full year’s worth of bragging rights!  Please send nominations to Angela Blackwood at by Friday June 2nd.

We are also always looking for judges to help in awarding the scores, so if you are available at any time that weekend to participate in judging, please also reach out with your name and email address and Angela will contact you with further details.  So, get those weeds plucked and sprinkle a little fertilizer and may the best gardener win!