Winter 2022 Holiday Lights Contest

Over the holidays Orange Hunt Estates was dressed with many lighting displays that brightened holiday spirits. Here are the winners of our community Holiday Lights Contest:

1st Place: 8700 Powder Horn Rd, The Evanses

2nd Place: 6809 Huntsman Blvd, The Cooks

3rd Place: 7309 Reservation Dr, The Fetzers

Thank you to our contest leader, Angela Blackwood, and thanks to all who participated, including contest nominees and judges.

Annual Membership Meeting

The OHECA annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 7:00-9:30, in the Orange Hunt ES Cafeteria.  The agenda will include the election of association President and Secretary for two-year terms and approval of the 2023 fiscal year budget. It’s important that we have good representation from our members to address these agenda items, so please consider attending. Vote, ask questions, and express your ideas. Other agendas will be promulgated closer to the meeting.


Volunteer Melissa Low is preparing the new 2023 association directories for publication, and Patti Alf is lining up volunteers to deliver the printed volumes throughout the community early this spring. All dues-paying members will receive a copy. If you would like to help deliver the directories to homes near you, contact Patti,