Neighborhood History

The linked article, finalized in January 2020, describes the history of our community, Orange Hunt Estates, which was developed over the course of 15 years from 1965 to 1980. It chronologizes the construction of single family homes and townhouses section by section starting at Old Keene Mill Rd and ending at Pohick Rd (Fairfax Pkwy). It includes historical facts and trivia not only for Orange Hunt Estates proper but also for the immediate surrounding areas. This information may stir some memories for long-time homeowners, but for the majority of residents the article should be largely enlightening.

The article culminates several months of periodic research, analysis and writing for the author. The sources included interviews of early residents and persons close to the builders and sales force, Fairfax Historical Society publications, original sales materials, utility company plats, various internet searches, county digital property maps, county digital aerial photography, and county hard copy land records. The author wishes to extend special appreciation to the following persons who provided memories, documents, references, and article draft reviews:

Residents: Barb Arnold, Claire Arnold, Judy Berzonsky, Morgan Birge, Catherine Chase, Jan & Joe Clement, Jan Crooks, Sue Farmer, Roma Hare, Jim Hower, Martie Klee, Mary Moore, Joan O’Connor, Christine Swirbiss.

Son of builder principal: Larry Weinberg

Daughter of sales manager: Pat Wirth

Author and resident: Gary Koblitz

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