Pedestrian Crossings / Driver Awareness Reminder

With OHECA encouragement, VDOT is upgrading pedestrian crossings on Huntsman Blvd from Old Keene Mill Rd to Spelman Dr. Still, these crossings can only be as safe as pedestrian and driver awareness allows. In this regard, OHECA member Les Terry has contributed the following facts on driver stopping distance.

The speed limit on residential streets in Orange Hunt Estates, whether posted or not, is 25 mph (except Sydenstricker Rd., posted at 30 mph). No matter what the vehicle driver’s speed, it will always be feet per second, your reaction time, braking distance and road surface conditions in stopping safely. The average reaction time from point of sight of the object in or coming into your pathway per reliable studies is 2.8 seconds. No two drivers will have the same reaction time response. It is a simple equation of Reaction Time + Braking Distance = Stopping Distance. The faster the speed the further surface area it takes to stop. Think about that! Please drive 25 mph and do not be distracted in operating a motor vehicle! Kids play on our streets. Schools will be reopening in mid-August with children crossing streets. Pedestrians of all ages are crossing streets.